Privacy Policy

valid from: 04/20/2007

User agreement with


Use of the website

The site permits you to view and download the materials of this site only for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright information and other information about the ownership contained in the source materials and any copies thereof. It is forbidden to modify the materials of this site, as well as distribute or display them in any way or use them in any other way for public or commercial purposes. Any use of these materials on other sites or on computer networks is prohibited.


1.1. In these General Terms and Conditions and Contracts, the following terms are used:
1.1.1. – ZoL Grup, registration number IDNO: 1007600013280, address: Chisinau, Moldova, E-mail:
1.1.2. System – the system of ordering and administering the Services, accessible through the website with the appropriate authorization codes.
1.1.3. User is the owner of a user account in the system, an individual or legal entity that has an agreement to use the system. User Agreement – an agreement on the basis of which the User receives the right and opportunity to use the system.
1.1.4. Client – a natural or legal person who has entered into an agreement to use the services.
1.1.5. Agreement – any agreement (including the User Agreement, Service Agreement) for using the services of, concluded between the Client and
1.1.6. Party – Client or / Parties – Client and together / if we are talking about the User, and the User are considered Parties.
1.1.7. Service – any service offered by, including Server service and Domain Service.
1.1.8. General terms of service – the general terms of the relevant type of service.
1.1.9. Special conditions of the service – special conditions of the respective Service.
1.1.10. Service Agreement – Agreement for the provision of a specific service, incl. general conditions of this type of service (Server service, Domain Service) and special conditions of the Service.
1.1.11. Server service – A service that consists in allocating a server resource for use by the Client along with possible additional services (e-mail addresses, use of software, etc.).
1.1.12. Domain service – a service that consists in registering or mediating registration for a domain name client, along with possible additional services.
1.1.13. Contract Documents – General Terms, General Service Terms, Price List, and all Contracts with attachments.
1.1.14. General Terms – these general terms of service
1.1.15. Price list – a document setting prices for Services.
1.2. Not defined separately terms are used in the meaning specified in legal acts, in its absence – in the usual sense.

Registration on the website

By registering on the site, you agree to provide accurate and accurate information about yourself and your contact information.
As a result of registration, you will receive a login and password, for the security of which you are responsible. You are also responsible for all actions under your username and password on the site. In case of loss of registration data, you agree to inform us about it.


2.1. The user has the right to use the system, order and use the Services through it, concluding the corresponding Service Agreements. If possible, the Client has the right to authorize another User to carry out the technical administration of the Services, while remaining responsible for the actions of the authorized User.
2.2. The user personally enters into and terminates the Contracts, and he is considered a Client in part of the concluded Service Contracts.
2.3. By entering into a User Agreement, the User agrees to the General Terms and Conditions.
2.4. The user undertakes not to mediate the admission and not to allow third parties to use the system, incl. not to disclose authorization codes issued to third parties. does not disclose authorization codes issued to the User to third parties.
2.5. In addition, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions regarding Contracts shall apply to the User Agreement.

Feedback and comments

Addressing us or leaving comments on the site, you are responsible that the message is not illegal, harmful, threatening, slanderous, offends morality, violates copyrights, promotes hatred and / or discrimination of people for racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social featured, contains insults to specific individuals or organizations, and in any other way violates the current legislation of the country. You agree that may delete any of your messages without your consent, and also use them at your discretion for free. is not responsible for any information posted by users of the Site. The company reserves the right to make the necessary changes to the site, replace or delete any part of its content and restrict access to the site at any time at its discretion. The company also reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time in order to further improve the system against unauthorized access to the personal data you provide.


3.1. The contracts are concluded in electronic form and with their conclusion rights and obligations arise between and the Client. As an exception, the User Agreement is concluded between and the User. The user agreement is concluded through a form posted on the website All other Contracts are concluded through the System only after the conclusion of the User Agreement.
3.2. concludes agreements in Romanian, English and Russian. Conclusion of contracts in other languages is possible as additional languages are added to the System and content is translated into these languages. When applying the Contracts, incl. when resolving disputes, proceed from the text in the original language of the User Agreement.
3.3. The conclusion of a User Agreement is a prerequisite for ordering any Service, but with the conclusion of a User Agreement does not automatically arise an obligation to order Services.
3.4. For the conclusion of the Contract, the Client submits an order to, which is considered as an offer. The client submits an offer by clicking on the “Confirm Order” icon after filling in the order form. sends a confirmation email to the Client regarding the receipt of the order. When ordering Services related to the Service, the Contract Documents are displayed on the screen to the Client for review, the Client undertakes to familiarize themselves with them and, submitting the order, agrees with them. The contract is considered concluded from the moment when accepted the offer by sending a corresponding message to the e-mail address of the Client. When concluding a User Agreement, the message is sent to the User’s email address.
3.5. gives its consent to the offer or refuses it no later than within fourteen (14) calendar days, unless the general or special conditions of the Service provide otherwise.
3.6. sends its consent or refusal to the proposal in the corresponding message to the email address of the other Party. When concluding a User Agreement, the user is sent the necessary authorization codes for using the system.
3.7. has the right to refuse to enter into any Agreement in cases where the Client has violated the terms of use of the services offered by or third parties (including the payment obligation) or good traditions of using the Internet, or for other good reason for undertakes to inform the Client about the refusal of the offer by sending a corresponding message within a reasonable time, but no later than within fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt of the offer.
3.8. The customer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the Contracts within fourteen (14) calendar days from the conclusion of the Contract, by submitting an application to in written form. Departing from the contract, the consumer compensates for the costs associated with the offer of the Services (including the costs of settlements). The part of the payment made by the consumer, exceeding expenses, comes back


4.1. The parties confirm each other that:
4.1.1. They are legally capable and viable; no bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against them and no bankruptcy warning has been submitted. With respect to the Party-legal entity, no decision on termination has been taken.
4.1.2. For the conclusion and execution of the Agreement, there are all the consent and authority necessary for its operation, and this does not lead to the Party breaking the obligation arising from a legal or administrative act, a court decision or any legal relationship.
4.1.3. They have the means and skills to fulfill the obligations arising from the Contracts.
4.2. The parties shall immediately inform the other Party about changes in the circumstances specified in the paragraph.
4.3. The Client and User confirm that:
4.3.1. before entering into the Agreement, he got acquainted with all the conditions of the Agreement (including the general and special conditions of the Service, the General Conditions and the Price List), they are clearly understood by him, and he is aware of the rights and obligations arising under the Agreement.
4.4. It is believed that these confirmations are given at the conclusion of all the Contracts (including the User Agreement and further Service Contracts).


5.1. General Terms and Conditions apply to all Contracts.
5.2. For the types of Services (Domain Service, Server Services, etc.) there are separate general conditions that apply to all Services (including combined Services, of which the corresponding Service is a part). A specific service has additional special conditions of the Service, which establish differences in comparison with the general conditions of the corresponding type of Service. General and special conditions of the Service are an integral annex to the relevant Service Agreement.
5.3. A specific Service has technical parameters (for example, for a Server service, the number of ordered resources), which are set when ordering a particular Service and which are part of the corresponding Service Agreement.
5.4. The contract documents of all the contracts concluded by the Client and the technical parameters of the Services are available in the system.
5.5. When executing and interpreting a particular Contract, they proceed from the Treaty Documents as a whole. In the event of a conflict, the Contract Documents have the following priority:
5.5.1. Separately agreed terms between the Parties.
5.5.2. Technical parameters of the service.
5.5.3. Price-list.
5.5.4. Special conditions of the service contract.
5.5.5. General terms and conditions of the service agreement.
5.5.6. General Terms and Conditions and User Agreement.
5.6. Agreeing when entering into any Agreement with any Agreement Document, it is considered that the User / Client agrees with the relevant Agreement Document and upon entering into other Agreements to which the relevant Agreement Document applies.


6.1. offers Services electronically. Ordering, administering, and using the Services implies that the Parties have an Internet connection. does not offer Internet connections.
6.2. For its part, does reasonably necessary, ensuring the reliability of the Services, but, based on the nature of the Services, disruptions cannot be completely ruled out. The client immediately informs about problems arising while using the Service. In this case, the Client indicates his name, description of the problem and other circumstances that he considers essential.
6.3. offers for its Services user support in various volumes and forms, which are described in the general and special conditions of a particular Service. User support is offered on weekdays in the interval 09.00-18.00 on the local calendar and time.
6.4. The Client is entitled to use the Service in accordance with his wishes and needs, but on the basis of its purpose. The Client undertakes to use the Services in accordance with legal acts (including with the right relating to intellectual property) and good traditions.
6.5. does not verify the activities of the Client when using the Services in terms of its compliance with applicable law. has the right to suspend the provision of the Service to the Client in the event that information has been received regarding the Client that he is violating the rights of third parties when using the Service. In the event of a dispute regarding a violation, has the right to suspend the provision of the Service until the final resolution of the dispute between the Client and a third party.
6.6. wants to keep its Services at a modern and competitive level. has the right to change the principles of using the Services, incl. software used for the provision of the Service, having notified the Client in advance. In addition, the need may be due to changes in legislation, technology development and security issues.
6.7. is entitled to suspend the provision of the Service to the Client if the Client has not paid the invoice by the deadline indicated on the invoice.
6.8. has the right to suspend the provision of the Service if the Client violates any Agreement.
6.9. has the right to limit or suspend the provision of the Service if due to circumstances beyond its control (for example, an Internet attack against the Client), the provision of services to other clients is significantly impaired and if this effect cannot be eliminated by less burdensome for the Client.

Denial of responsibility

The materials and services of this site are provided without warranty of any kind. does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the materials, programs and services provided on this site. may at any time without notice change the materials and services provided on this site, as well as the products and prices mentioned therein. In case of obsolescence of materials and services on this site, does not undertake to update them. is under no circumstances liable for any damage (including but not limited to damage from loss of profit, data or from interruption of business activity) arising from the use, inability to use or the results of using this site.


7.1. The Client undertakes to pay for the ordered services if the Service is not free. The amount of payment is reflected in the Price List. The cost of the combined Services is the sum of the prices of parts of the Services, unless the Price List specifies otherwise.
7.2. The prices indicated in the Price List contain VAT on the current amount, other taxes and additional charges do not apply. The Client’s obligation to pay for the Services arises from the order of the corresponding Service. The duty of payment does not depend on whether the Client actually uses the service or not. The amount of payment may depend on the volume of consumption of the Service.
7.3. The Client undertakes to pay the corresponding Service in accordance with the price list of the specific Service, which is available on the website. Payment is made in the form of prepayment. Upon termination of the contract on the initiative of or as a result of a breach by, the Client has the right to refund in the amount of the part that covers the period after the termination of the Service Agreement. The cost of refund (including the cost of transfer) shall be borne by the Client.
7.4. Payment can be made by bank transfer, as well as by other means offered in the system. If the Client has sufficient credit (prepayment) in, the amounts payable by the Client are covered by it. When paying by bank transfer, the Client’s account is considered paid when he enters the bank account, in other cases when has third party service providers through whom payment is made – accurate information regarding the receipt of money.
7.5. Invoices are sent to the Client by e-mail and are also available in the system.
7.6. The client undertakes to immediately inform if the account is incorrect. Delay or loss of the account, etc., does not release the Client from the obligation to pay the Service in a timely manner.
7.7. The client undertakes to pay the fee in a timely manner in accordance with the conditions indicated on the invoice submitted by In case of delay in payment of the invoice, has the right to demand from the Client a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the unpaid amount on the day prior to full payment of the amount payable.
7.8. Interruptions in the provision of the Service do not relieve the Client from the obligation to pay for the Service, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.
7.9. The costs associated with the recovery of the amounts paid on time are borne by the Client.
7.10. has the right to change the price list of services. informs the Client about the price increase of the Service used by him at least thirty (30) calendar days.


8.1. The Client and the User are liable for damage caused by the violation of obligations arising from the Contracts, incl. damage caused by a third party who used the Service or the system instead of the Client or User.
8.2. If, as a result of unlawful actions of the Customer or the User (including the non-fulfillment of the obligations to the third party), the claims of the third party turn against, then the Customer or the User shall also indemnify for any damages arising in connection with this.
8.3. is liable for direct property damage caused to the Client by violation of obligations arising from the Contracts. The prerequisite for liability of is the intent or gross negligence of The liability of is limited according to the general and special conditions of the specific Service, except in cases where the damage arose as a result of intent or gross negligence.
8.4. is not responsible for damage caused to the Client due to:
8.4.1. an interruption of power supply independent of
8.4.2. damage to communication lines (including those belonging to the company providing data exchange services) that are not under the control of
8.4.3. for the accuracy or legitimacy of the disclosed or to third parties, incl. the public, information from the Client when using the Service.
8.4.4. Internet attacks.
8.4.5. Non-compliance of the Service with the needs of the Client.
8.5. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the Agreement is not considered a violation of obligations by the Party if the reason for this is circumstances the occurrence of which the Parties did not foresee and could not foresee when signing the Agreement (force majeure). A party whose fulfillment of contractual obligations is hampered by force majeure shall inform the other Party without delay.
8.6. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations arising from the Agreement does not lead to liability of the Party if this inevitably resulted from the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the law.

How, when and what information we collect and how we use it

The company collects personal information about you (personal data) whenever you indicate it on the website, send it by e-mail or communicate in person. By submitting your personal data to the Company, you agree to the terms here. In accordance with the current legislation and the Privacy Policy, you can change, update or request removal at any time.

When registering on the site, placing an order, as well as completing the Site Participant Profile or other documents, including the online store, you can provide the following information:

• Full name.
• The data of the document certifying your identity.
• Contact phone number and email address where we can contact you.
• Login and password that you will use to access the Company’s Internet resources.
• Information about the delivery address of your order.
• Date of birth and gender.

The company also collects some statistical information, for example:

• The IP address of the user.
• Type of browser.
• Date, time and number of visits.
• Website address from which the user navigated to the Company’s website
• Details of the location.
• Information about the visited pages, about viewing advertising banners.
• Information provided by your browser (device type, browser type and version, operating system, etc.).


9.1. The Client-natural person and the User hereby confirm that they agree with to process the data that they submitted to when concluding the Agreements or which are otherwise accumulated with respect to the Individual Customer during the use of the Services.
9.2. has the right to use personal data for the provision and development of the Services, as well as for the protection of its violated or disputed rights, including has the right to transfer personal data to companies engaged in debt collection and reflecting payment difficulties of individuals.


10.1. The Parties undertake to preserve the confidentiality of any information relating to the other Party, including a commercial secret that has become known to them in connection with the conclusion and execution of the Contracts and the disclosure of which to the public or to third parties may harm the other Party in any way, except for information intended for the public, is not generally known or otherwise can be confidential in essence .
10.2. The obligation specified in paragraph (10.1) is valid indefinitely and after the termination of the Agreement.

What we guarantee: is responsible for the privacy of its users and respects the privacy of every user of the site. company guarantees that no information received from you will ever under any circumstances be provided to third parties without your consent, except for cases provided for by the current legislation of the country. company guarantees that personal data transmitted by you will be processed in strict accordance with applicable law.


11.1. All legally relevant notices between the Parties must be submitted in written, reproducible form and are considered to be transferred to the other Party if one (1) working day has passed after their departure to the other Party. Notifications provided for the Client, if any, are also sent to the User authorized for the technical administration of the relevant Service.
11.2. Prior to receiving notice of their change, the contact data of the Parties shall be considered the data transferred to the other Party during the conclusion of the contract. The valid contact details of the Client are recorded in the System.
11.3. She undertakes to immediately notify the other Party in written form in writing of changes in the contact details of the Party (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.). The information transmitted on the basis of the Agreement shall be deemed received by the Party in accordance with paragraph (11.1). The client can reflect the corresponding changes in the System.


12.1. Contracts are concluded indefinitely and the requirement of a minimum duration does not apply to them, unless the General or special conditions of the Service imply otherwise. Term Contract is terminated upon expiration.
12.2. has the right to change all Contract Documents, informing the Customers involved in at least thirty (30) calendar days. applies this right in the first place, if such a need arises from changes in legislation (including changes in the balance of contractual obligations), judicial practice, development of technology, technological or organizational changes in the activities of A party that does not agree with the change by of the Contract Documents (including the Price List) has the right to withdraw from the Contract, informing about it in two (2) weeks, except for the cases when the changes are favorable for it or changes in The price list is not implemented until the end of the term of the urgent Service.
12.3. Unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement (including the general and special conditions of the Service), each of the Parties shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving reasons, informing the other Party about it thirty (30) calendar days in advance. If the Service is urgent, the Client may cancel in the usual manner the Contract, which is the basis for this Service, but does not refund the fee that the Client paid for the corresponding Service before the expiration of the agreed period.
12.4. has the right to terminate the User Agreement without prior notice after three (3) months after termination for any reason of the last valid Service Agreement, unless the User is the technical administrator of the Service of another Client.
12.5. has the right to cancel any Agreement unilaterally without a notice period, informing the other Party if the other Party significantly violates the terms of any Agreement, first of all:
12.5.1. Delays payment for the Service for more than one (1) month.
12.5.2. Violates any requirements established by legal acts or other conditions of the Agreement and does not immediately stop the violation upon receipt of the relevant requirement or the violation is so serious (eg, deliberate actions to harm the Services) that you cannot assume from Of treaties.
12.6. With the termination of the User Agreement, all related Service Agreements are terminated, and the User loses the right and opportunity to use any Service or to be the technical administrator of the Service of another Client.


13.1. The present conditions become effective 20-04-2007.
13.2. When continuing to use the Services, it is considered that the Client agrees with the Documents of the amended Agreement.
13.3. Logins and authorization codes of existing clients are considered User logins, which allow to enter the System. When you first log into the system, the Customer is asked to read and agree to the User Agreement, the amended General Terms and other conditions applied in accordance with its Services.

Information on guarantees of confidentiality when using payment bank cards: company draws your attention to the fact that when you make payments using payment bank cards, the security of payment processing, including Internet payments, is guaranteed by partner banks. All resources of partner banks comply with PCI DSS security standards, have all the necessary permissions and certificates. When making payments, the personal information you provide (name, address, telephone, e-mail, bank card number) is confidential and is not subject to disclosure under any circumstances. This information is not stored on the Company’s Web-server and is provided only to the partner bank. No information about payments, except for the notification of payment, is not transmitted by the Company’s partner banks. When transferring information, special technologies of online card payment security are used, data processing is carried out on a secure high-tech server of the processing company.